Client Testimonials

“...Working with Professional Practice Resources was a wise decision for our Neurological Surgery practice...”

Lucia Zamorano, M.D. - Neurological Surgery

“...We experienced overwhelming increases in revenue, a significant reduction in unpaid claims, and importantly, a greater control of my net working capital...”

Stelian Marinescu, M.D. - Cardiology

“... Our experience with Professional Practice Resources has been very positive. As a client, we have improved our office performance, increased the efficiency of patient care and increased our collections. For us, PPR provides much more than just a billing solution...”

Bruce Washington, M.D. - Cardiothoracic Surgery

“... Professional Practice Resources has consistently provided top quality service ...”

Robert Levy, M.D. - Pediatrician

“... Professional Practice Resources has been a great asset to our organization...”

Gheorghe Marinescu, M.D. - Cardiology

“... Professional Practice Resources gives us a comprehensive view of our business which enables us to better serve our patients and run our operations more efficiently...”

Tanya Robbins - Port Huron Hospital



Professional Practice Resources
21700 Northwestern Hwy, Suite 850
Southfield, Michigan 48075

Telephone: 866-613-4777
Facsimile: 248-569-3520



Let us know what it will take to earn your business...

Please provide us with a few basic pieces of information and we will provide you with a no obligation quote.

Practice location?

Number of providers?


Coding needed?

Credentialing needed?

Will we be billing for both global and professional services?

List of procedure codes used.

Payer mix?

Current revenue?

Current percentage being paid for billing services?

What will it take to earn your business?

Can we contact you with any additional questions we might have regarding our quote?

About Us

Professional Practice Resources, Inc. (PPR) has been providing quality medical billing and consulting services since our founding in 1988.

Our goal is simply to provide the highest return on your claims without sacrificing service or patient support.

PPR's experienced staff and proprietary state-of-the-art billing system will maximize your revenue and let you and your personnel focus on practicing medicine.

Professional Practice Resources offers a full suite of billing services specifically aimed at the hospital based physician such as Hospitalists and those who specialize in Radiology, Pathology, Cardiology and Emergency Room Medicine.

Services Provided

Coding - all information is reviewed for accuracy and maximum reimbursement by nationally certified professional coders.

Data Entry - Information is obtained from the provider and/or practice and entered into our database in an efficient and timely manner.

Statements - Patient Statements are mailed out from our office on behalf of your practice.

Payments - As we receive payments and explanations of benefit (EOB’s) packages from our clients, we begin our task oriented process of posting these to our database.

Appeals – Our clients require an aggressive follow up strategy to provide them with the maximum reimbursement.

Fee Schedules - it is vital to monitor fee schedules of insurance companies. We request these fee schedules and communicate our findings to our clients on a regular basis.

Document Scanner – For less paper and a faster collection of receivables, a digital scanner can be used instead of a courier service for the transmission of electronic documents to PPR's billing center located in Southfield Michigan. This will allow all billing to be processed on a daily basis.

Client Liaison - Our client liaison team is available to assist with any questions or concerns that you may have with your account.

Reporting - Our comprehensive reporting package is distributed on a weekly and monthly basis.

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